Monday, August 9, 2010


Okay, so I've had bruschetta before but obviously whoever made that bruschetta didn't fry the bakery fresh ciabatta bread (oh, hey Wild Fire Bakery!) in salted butter first.

This bruschetta is super simple and super yummy.

You'll need:

a bunch of fresh oregano - I used half a stem from my herb patch, finely chopped (or coarsely, your call)
a bunch of fresh basil - (ditto)
2-3 medium tomatoes
a dash of salt
2 - 3 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp minced garlic
1 fresh loaf ciabatta bread, sliced into 1 inch slices (if it's not fresh, it'll be really, really hard and ouchy to eat)
1/4 butter, cut into 3 or 4 squares.

Bring a small pot to a boil, carefully place in a tomato for about 20 seconds. Remove. Do this to all the tomatoes. Once they've cooled, pierce the tomato skin and get peeling! You'll be shocked how quickly that skin will come off. Once you've peeled the tomatoes, remove the seeds and liquid - discard.  (Seriously, if you don't remove the seed etc. those will be some soggy little pieces of toast!) Chop into small pieces.

Combine olive oil, garlic, herbs and tomato. Add salt. Mix (you can even squish it a little with the spoon). Set aside.

In a frying pan over medium heat, melt the butter. Place the slices of bread in the pan until slightly toasted, flip. When both sides are toasted remove and move on to the next pieces. Add more butter as necessary. Careful not to burn it! <--I'm not going to lie, we had a casualty.

Once all your bread is done, spoon the tomato mixture over your buttery toasted ciabatta slices. Eat.

Freaking delicious.

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